111) Motivation – Ways Outline

1) The Overt recognition of good health & safety performance. ( Praise / offering financial incentives).

2) Disciplining employees.

3) Involvement of employees: a) Risk assessment b) safe system of work.

4) Improving companies H & S culture & demonstrating a high level of management commitment.

5) Ensuring a good working environment.

6) Providing training.

7) Ensuring good communication.

112) Pregnant employees (Factors affecting –Outline).

1) Exposure to chemical e.g. pesticides, lead that causes intra cellular changes (mutagens) or affect the embryo (teratogens).

2) Biological exposures e.g. Hepatitis.

3) Physical agents exposures e.g. Ionizing radiations, extra temperature issues.

4) Ergonomic issues – manual handling, prolonged standing, adoption of awkward body, movements –stress.

5) PPE issues.

113) Smoking policy – Benefits –Explain.

1) Reduction in the risk of fire.

2) Improvement in general cleanliness.

3) Reduction in smoking exposure to non-smoking staff (irritant effect) long term health damage.

4) Promotion of health.

5) Avoidance of conflict between smokers & non-smokers.

114) No smoking policy – Ways outline

1) Policy should be clear in its intents & communicated to all staff ( notice boards, leaflets & forms of propaganda)

2) Consultation with employees to encourage ownership.

3) Setting an example by management people.

4) Providing help to employees in the form of counseling.

5) Provision of designated smoking area.

6) Use of disciplinary procedure.

7) Providing smoke free environment.

 115) Monitoring & reviews of safety performance by Management – Why reasons Outline.

To identify substandard health & safety practical & conditions (workplace inspection).
To identify trends in relation to different types of incidents (analysis of incident data).
Benchmark- by comparing data with similar industries, to identify measures are in use & to assess their effectiveness.
To be able to make decisions on appropriate remedial measures for any deficiencies identified.
To set priorities & establish realistic timescale.
To assess compliance with legal requirements MHSWR-1999.
To provide information to board of director & safety committee.

116) Reporting of fatality to enforce authority, state legal requirements.

‘Notify the enforcement authority by the quickest practicable means then to report the death within 10 days by an approved means – F 2508.

117) Work related injuries- reportable outline

Major injury
Fracture of bone.
24 hrs. Hospitalization.
Injured person away from work. ( > 3 day consecutive).
Injury to non-employees taken to hospital for treatment.

118) First aid arrangements – factors outline.

1) No. of trained first aid personnel.

2) First aid facilities – size of organization.

3) Distribution & composition of workforce.

4) The types of hazard & level of risk present.

5) The proximity to emergency services.

6) The special need of traveling.

7) Remote or lone workers.

8) Arrangement for other shifts, sickness leave & other absence.

119) Civil Law & Criminal law , Difference outline.

One to provide a remedy & other to punish.
A burden of proof required. ( a balance of probabilities as opposed to beyond all reasonable doubts.
The practices generally involved ( two individual rather than state & individual).
Different court structure.

120) Risk – Explain (example)

‘Probability / Likelihood of an occurrence & the severity of its consequences.