101) Outline the main features of,

A health & Safety inspections of a workplace,
Safety Inspection: Involves the straight forward observation of a workplace and/or the activities or equipment within it. Generally safety inspection, usually carried out by a manager or employees representative and often aided by the use of the checklist, may be carried out routinely and has the aim of identifying hazards and assessing the use and effectiveness of control measures ( Area to be covered -4p’s –Plant, people, procedures, plant & equipment).

A Health & Safety Audit:
Audit is a thorough, critical examination of an organization’s safety management systems & procedures. Audit is normally a lengthy process carried out by a trained auditor, often someone from outside the organization. It is a structured way of assessing the health & safety performance of a organization by supplying answers to a serious preset questions, and often involves a scoring system such that improvements can be measured.

102) An employer is claiming compensation for injuries received during an accident involving a forklift trucks.

Identifying the documented information that the employer might draw together when preparing a possible defense against the claim.

Accident book record.
RIDDOR form (if applicable).
Accident investigation report, including statements made by witness or supervisors in terms of demonstrating compliance with statutory & common law duties.
Relevant documents might include:
The organization’s H&S Policy.
Risk Assessment.
Written safe systems of work relating to the activity.
Training records.
Statutory examination records ( as required by LOLER).
Maintenance records (PUWER & LOLER).
Inspection reports.
Health & safety Committee Minutes.
Documents relating to previous accidents & corrective actions taken.
Information relating to the claimant (e.g. involvement in previous accidents disciplinary records etc.

103) With reference to the (health & safety consultation with employees) Regulations 1996:

Identify the particular health & safety matters on which employees must consult their employees.
1) The introduction of measures affecting the health & safety of employees.

2) The arrangements for the appointing or nominating competent persons under regulations 7 & 8 of the MHSWR- 1999.

3) Health & Safety information required by law to be provided to employees.

4) The planning and organizing of any health & Safety training that has to be provided.

5) Consequences of the introduction of new technology.

Outline the entitlements of representatives of employees safety who have been elected under the regulations.
Provision of reasonable facilities and assistance.
Provision of training (with coverage of associated costs).
Being given time off with pay during working hours to undertake training and to carryout the stated functions.
Provision of information necessary to carryout the functions ( including specifically access to records kept under the requirements of the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases & Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995).

104) Outline reasons for maintaining good standards of health & safety within an organization.

Moral: Need to provide a reasonable standard of care and to reduce the injuries, pain and suffering caused to employees by accidents & ill health.
Legal: concerned with the desire to avoid enforcement action and civil claims.
Economic: Economic benefits include, a more motivated workforce resulting in increased production rates. The avoidance of direct costs associated with accidents (e.g. down time, administrative, investigation and first aid costs, repair of plants & equipment, employing & training replacement staff, etc.) possibly cheaper insurance premiums. The avoidance of costs associated with legal action and maintaining the image and reputation of the organization with its various stack holders.

105) A) The meaning of the term ‘Permit to Work’.

‘A formal documented procedure to control hazards in high risk activities’.

B) Outline the specific details that should be included in a permit to work for entry into a confined space.
1) A description of the plant involved with reference to the task to be completed and forcible hazards and risks.

2) The precautions to be taken (e.g. isolating services, atmosphere purging 7 the removal of contaminants, pre-entry and ongoing atmospheric testing, means of communication, use of respiratory and PPE etc.).

3) Emergency arrangements & equipment to be provided (e.g. safety lines, supporting staff, resuscitation and other first aid equipment, welfare facilities etc).

4) Duration of the permit & signatures for authorization and receipt and for hand back & cancellation.